Age/Sun Spots
& Mole Removal
Hyperpigmentation Details
Imagine a more youthful looking you. Both the pleasures and stresses of life, along with the simple passage of time, tend to cause our skin to appear older. The signs of aging and sun damage are typically most visible on a person's face. While numerous treatments from simple creams to major surgeries exist to improve various facial flaws, skin specialists have always sought dramatic improvement with low risk and no "downtime." Additionally, many conventional treatment options can only address one condition at a time, while they entail a prolonged recovery time, considerable pain and potential side effects. Intense Pulse Light, commonly known as IPL, is one of the most popular treatments at San Francisco Aesthetics. It is a non-invasive treatment that erases skin damage without disruption of the skin's surface, hence, no "downtime." IPL can simultaneously treat a wide range of facial concerns safely and effectively, such as broken capillaries, skin discoloration, age spots, freckles, mottled pigmentation and the symptoms of rosacea.
How It Works
IPL is most often performed on the face, neck, chest, and hands to erase the signs of aging. Our lasers are clinically shown to reduce wrinkles and improve the tone of the skin by non-invasively stimulating new collagen production.
What can I expect after an IPL treatment at SF Aesthetics?
After an IPL treatment for sun damage, your freckles will turn dark and scab over. Imagine having a dusting of coffee grinds on your face. Over the course of seven to ten days, the scabs will flake off, revealing a more even complexion. The types of responses heard from patients are that they feel like their skin is lifted. There is a decrease in pore size, the skin feels tighter, looks brighter, and there is a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. By combining IPL and Laser Genesis at San Francisco Aesthetics, we take care of noticeable coloration defects and also provide the skin with the toning and textural improvement that patients are seeking. Non-invasive techniques for skin rejuvenation are being quickly established as a new standard in the treatment of mild wrinkles and overall skin toning. All patients show improvement after the treatment series.
Age Spot/Pigmented Lesions before & After Photos

Cosmetic Radiosurgery for
Skin Growths
For benign skin growths which protrude out from the surface of the skin, surgical treatment is necessary to remove the bump. Laser can take away pigment from moles and age spots, but it will not flatten a lump. Some common skin growths include raised moles, skin tags, seborrheic keratosis, and DPNs (dermatosis papulosa nigra). Lumps and bumps such as these are often benign and therefore appropriate candidates for cosmetic removal.
What is Cosmetic Radiosurgery?
Benign lumps and bumps on the face and body can be cosmetically removed without the need for a scalpel and stitches. Dr. Tsai uses the Ellman Surgitron to remove benign skin lesions without scarring, bleeding, or pain. The Ellman Surgitron uses advanced radiowave technology to precisely cut and coagulate soft tissue while minimizing thermal tissue damage.
What can I expect during and after treatment?
Dr. Tsai will inject the lesion with a small amount of anesthetic to completely numb the area. A surgical electrode emits radiowaves that precisely cut through the tissue while coagulating the edges at the same time. After the treatment, the area is raw and flush with the skin. Only minimal bleeding may occur. A scab will soon form over the area and once the scab falls off, a fresh layer of skin is revealed. This new skin may be pink for a few weeks, but will eventually blend into the surrounding area.
Mole Removal Before & After Photos