Jaw & Bruxism treatment

Botox for Facial Slimming and bruxism

Dr. Tsai uses Botox injections as a non-invasive treatment for facial slimming and contouring of angular jawlines most commonly found in Asian ethnicities. Using Botox to narrow the jawline is an effective non-surgical alternative to surgical jaw reduction.

By relaxing the masseter muscles, Botox can effectively contour the lower part of your face resulting in a narrower jawline and a more pleasing facial shape.

If you tend to grind your teeth, you have a condition people in the dental profession call bruxism. This involuntary behavior can be quite an annoyance for you, and it may even be causing jaw pain, headaches, the wearing away of tooth enamel, gum sensitivity, or chipped teeth. If you've already tried conventional approaches to changing this behavior and have been disappointed in the results, you may be surprised to learn that Botox has proven effective as a treatment for grinding teeth.

How it works

Most people are familiar with botulinum toxin to get rid of wrinkles. But recent studies published in Neurology and Pain Research and Management have shown that botulinum toxin's muscle-relaxing properties show promise in stopping jaw clenching and teeth grinding. At least for some time. Evidence and studies have shown that botulinum toxin could help treat various non-cosmetic conditions in addition to bruxism, too. Botulinum toxin paralyzes muscles temporarily, making it equally useful in treating other conditions in the head and face (like facial dystonia and migraines) in which certain muscles need to be relaxed.

How Does Botulinum Toxin for Bruxism Work?

If you're treated with botulinum toxin for bruxism, a small amount will be injected into the masseter muscles, which is responsible for chewing. It may also be injected into the frontalis and temporalis muscles according to your specific needs. The botulinum toxin will reduce clenching, and it will also help with any accompanying tension and aches in your head that you may be experiencing. Botulinum toxin usually kicks in about 1 to 3 days after injection (optimum effect is at two weeks), and the effects could last 3 to 6 months.

Am I a good candidate for this procedure?

You may be a good candidate for facial slimming with Botox if the muscles along your jawline appear enlarged when you clench your teeth.

When will I see a difference?

Most of our patients begin to notice a difference around two weeks after the Botox treatment. In about 6-8 weeks, you will notice a more significant reduction in your jawline that will last for about 6 months depending on the strength of your masseter muscles. The results of your Botox treatment for jawline reduction and facial slimming will last longer each time you have the procedure performed. Because you are weakening the muscle along your jawline, you will see improved results as you continue your treatments.

Jaw & Bruxism Treatment Before & After Photos


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