Vein Removal

face and legs

Facial Spider Vein Removal Details

Red or broken veins on the face are a common problem. These blemishes can become unsightly and drain your confidence and self-esteem. They also become worse over time, often developing into larger and deeper clusters.

There are numerous reasons why people get red veins. For example, exposure to the sun, wind or extreme temperatures are among the causes. Steroid creams, hormonal changes during pregnancy, genetics and radiotherapy have also been implicated. They can also be associated with the skin condition Rosacea.

New advances in laser technology now permit the safe and effective removal of small, spider-like veins on the face and nose called telangectasias. Also common are angiomas, which can range from a pinhead-size red dot to a raised “cherry.” Many people feel that these capillaries detract from their appearance. With a quick and easy laser spider vein removal treatment, you will no longer have to live with these imperfections.

Treatments can vary depending on the size of the vessel, the color of the skin around the vessel, and the depth of the vessel under your skin.

Dr. Tsai uses the Cutera Cool Glide 1064 laser for the treatment of spider veins and angiomas. Vein removal treatments are fast, easy, and a local anesthetic cream is rarely needed. By using the latest laser technology, Dr. Tsai can exactly target spider and red veins and treat them so they fade and eventually disappear.

Depending on the size and depth of the veins, Dr. Tsai will choose the appropriate laser for you. The cost of spider vein removal varies by the treatment chosen and type and location of the veins.


Leg Vein Removal

The revolutionary new laser treatment can quickly and safely eliminate spider veins on your thighs, calves, and ankles. These veins can either be small, thin capillaries (spider veins) or larger veins that we call reticular veins.

The very largest veins are called varicose veins. There are many factors that contribute to the development of these unsightly veins including pregnancy, weight gain, prolonged standing, and genetic predisposition.

Spider veins form when excess blood backs up in the blood stream. The body releases this pressure by developing new veins. Not only are spider veins unsightly, but they can also cause aching, swelling, burning, and night cramps in the legs.

Reticular veins are larger and deeper than those blue veins that lie well below the skin’s surface and are larger than the spider veins. They often are the source of spider veins and must also be removed in order to achieve a long-term result in your treatment.

Finally, varicose veins are the largest, and tend to bulge with a rope-like texture on the skin’s surface. They are likely to cause pain and be related to more serious vein disorders. The treatment of varicose veins is usually outside the realm of treatments available by Dr. Tsai and is best treated by a vascular surgeon using something called Sclerotherapy. In this procedure, a doctor injects small- and medium-sized varicose veins with a solution or foam that scars and closes those veins. In a few weeks, treated varicose veins should fade.

Unlike older laser technology, we can provide laser treatments for any skin type and even tanned skin. Most treatments last only 15 minutes. During your initial consultation, we will be able to estimate the cost of your spider vein removal treatments and tailor the treatments to your needs.

Remember that the actual “disappearance” of the unwanted blood vessels will not occur at the moment of your treatment. The full absorption by your body of the problematic blood vessels may take up to three to five months after your treatment. This may be when you can see the best results from treatment.


Vein Removal Before & After Photos


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