Cosmetic Medical Practice of
Dr. Jeannie Tsai, MD, MPH
You can feel secure knowing that you will be treated by Dr. Tsai each and every time you visit our practice.
Learn about our services
Dr. Tsai is an expert in administering cosmetic dermal filler and Botox. Juvederm Ultra, Voluma, Volbella and Vollure injections are cosmetic (hyaluronic acid) dermal fillers that return moisture and volume to cheeks or under eyes, fullness to lips and smooth out deep or superficial lines around the mouth, eyes and chin. Dr. Tsai keeps things looking natural!
Dr. Tsai uses a variety of methods including a range of lasers or radiosurgery to treat sun damage, hyperpigmentation, flat or raised moles, age spots or pigmented lesions and other skin conditions such as DPNs (dermatosis papulosa nigra), Seb Ks (seborrheic keratosis), rosacea, melasma and others.
Laser hair removal treatments consist of a simple beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle, disabling the follicle without affecting the surrounding skin. It is highly effective, safe and fast. After the series of laser hair removal treatments is complete, a maintenance session is required once or twice a year to manage hair growth.
Today’s technology allows tattoo removal specialists like Dr. Jeannie Tsai to safely and effectively reduce or eliminate tattoo pigment from all skin types. Laser Tattoo Removal is a process that may take a series of five to fifteen treatments spaced every eight weeks over a period of at least a year or more to completely resolve.
Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment to improve the appearance of moderate to severe fat beneath the chin (submental fullness) or “double chin” by physically destroying fat cells with an active ingredient called deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.
Dr. Tsai primarily uses these treatments to manage moderate to severe acne, rosacea, to treat sun damage, boost collagen and more. With repeated treatment, patients typically see a significant long-term reduction in acne symptoms, redness and flushing, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, inflammation and others.
People with hyperhidrosis can produce far more sweat than is needed to control their body temperature. Botox can be injected into the underarms, palms, and face blocking the action of nerves that supply the eccrine (sweat) glands. This stops the glands from producing sweat.
Dr. Tsai uses Botox injections as a non-invasive treatment for facial slimming, contouring of angular jaw lines as well as treatment for jaw clenching/teeth grinding (Bruxism). By relaxing and weakening the masseter muscles, Botox can effectively contour the lower part of your face resulting in a narrower jaw line and a more pleasing facial shape.
Red or broken veins on the face and legs are a common problem. New advances in laser technology now permit the safe and effective removal of small, spider-like veins on the face and nose called telangectasias. Also common are angiomas, which can range from a pinhead-size red dot to a raised “cherry.”

Meet Dr. Tsai, MD
Dr. Jeannie Tsai, MD, MPH understands how much self-esteem impacts our daily lives. She has treated her patients’ aging and skincare concerns at her private practice in San Francisco’s Marina District for the past 19 years. Her practice is one of the few in San Francisco that you can trust to be seen and treated by a medical doctor each and every time.
Dr. Tsai is proud once again to be a Top 500 practice in 2023 (as well as 2022 and 2021) with Allergan Aesthetics, the makers of Botox-C and Juvéderm. Once a year, Allergan Aesthetics awards aesthetics practices nationwide through its “Allergan Partner Privileges” program (APP) and this rare distinction places her amongst the top 1% of aesthetic practices in the nation. The exclusive Top 500 practice level status with Allergan Aesthetics is given to practice’s based on the provider’s compliance with training, education, and volume of cosmetic injectable treatments performed each year.